Player Pianos and Nickelodeons player piano

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The Ragtime Rustic Orchestrion

ST Rustic

Contains Bass Drum, Snare Drum, Tambourine, Piano and Coin op. Plays 15 tune "O" rolls that automaticaly rewind to play again.

Price in Mahogany Grade 1 - $9,500

Price in Oak Grade 1 - $10,500

ST Rustic with bottom Stained Glass added

Price in Mahogany Grade 1 Cabinet - $9,5000

Price in Oak Grade 1 Cabinet - $10,950

In response for the demand for a low priced but dependable coin operated orchestrion we offer the Rustic. It is carefully refurbished inside with our all new pneumatic player mechanism. The exterior is left original with all the large nicks repaired. A coat of lacquer restores the lustre. The keys are original if in good condition, otherwise they are replaced. The ST Rustic bottom panel is clear plexiglass to exhibit the drums. The D Rustic is the original plain wood panel. These pianos sound just like their more expensive counter parts, but the finish is rustic. Many customers actually prefer the rustic, especially Antique Stores, Theme Parks with a wild west theme, customers on a limited budget and someone who just wants to do their own refinishing later. The original decal is usually still visible on the fall board.

Commercial Application notes:

All Ragtime products are built to the highest possible quality. Some features are an extra charge because not everyone wants them, some of these features are:

1. Plexiglass Key cover - $200 installed

2. Foreign Coin mechanism $ no extra charge - supply sample coins

3. Multiple coin acceptor $100 installed on pianos, no charge on band organs.

4. Dollar Bill Acceptor $500 installed

5. Instrument Shutoffs $150 each, installed

6. Extra Softness Control $200 Installed - Pianos Only

7. Expression on Drums $150 Installed

8. Piano Expression $500 Installed

Please don't hesitate to call about custom projects, it is our specialty!

Last Update: Dec. 24 2011
Web Author: Ken Caulkins Tracker
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